
Education quality in Turkiye

February 26, 2024 808

Multiple factors contribute to the quality of education in Turkish universities, starting with the quality of education in Turkey, which rivals that of European countries, and passing through acceptable costs that have made its universities a destination attracting thousands of international students annually. Lastly, the comprehensive services, security, and safety enjoyed by the country. In light of this, we have dedicated this article to understanding the ranking of Turkish universities globally and their most important features, as well as answering the most important questions in this context. Enjoy following along with Skyline Holdings.

Overview of the Quality of Education in Turkey

The education system in Turkey is considered one of the strongest global education systems, and this wasn't a coincidence but rather the result of many years of continuous work and diligent efforts to develop and elevate the education system.

Various aspects have been worked on to achieve this goal, including increasing the number of university graduates in technological fields, improving the quality of primary and secondary education, prioritizing practical scientific application, and developing student exchange programs.

The convergence of these factors has elevated the quality of education in Turkey and strengthened its academic standing among major countries, as Turkish universities have in recent years achieved high rankings comparable to top European universities.

Turkey's Ranking in Global Education

Despite all the efforts made by the Turkish government to enhance its education system, it has continued to face numerous ongoing challenges. However, these challenges have served as a real impetus to work hard and persevere to improve the education system in the country and elevate it to the global position it truly deserves.

Indeed, the fruits of these long-standing efforts have begun to be harvested in recent years. The country has started to attain high ranks in global rankings and has achieved an unprecedented academic position according to a report issued by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) for the year 2018.

This report was released by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which indicated that Turkey ranked 36th globally in the list of education quality rankings among participating countries in the 2018 international assessment.

Read more: Economic Confidence Index in Turkey 2023

Benefits of Education in Turkey

If you are interested in knowing the reasons that motivate you to study in Turkey specifically and the factors that enhance the quality of education in Turkey, you are in the right place. In this article, we will explore the most important advantages of studying in Turkey, which attract students from all corners. These advantages include:

High quality educational system with superior global rankings and strong recognition across the globe.

Low study costs compared to high-quality education and integrated additional services.

Diversity in specializations and study programs to meet the ambitions and desires of all students without exception.

The possibility to choose the language of instruction and the adoption of English as a primary second language, attracting a large number of foreign students.

Refinement of knowledge and academic experiences through regular conferences, innovative workshops, and motivational lectures for everyone.

The country's strategic location, making it a close destination to all Arab and European countries, along with its reassuring security stability.

Providing job opportunities and part-time jobs for students to facilitate their studies and university education.

Focus on the practical aspect and interest in applied and experimental laboratories, preparing students with high professionalism for the job market.

Provision of partially or fully funded scholarships for a large number of outstanding students to broaden their scientific horizons and enhance their skills.

What is the Education System in Turkey?

The Turkish education system is similar to education systems prevalent in most other countries, where education is divided into a primary education stage followed by a secondary education stage, and finally higher education, which may precede higher education.

In all these stages, the quality of education in Turkey is evident and clearly attracts attention. Each educational stage has been given importance not less than the one that follows it, and comprehensive support has been provided to all educational institutions to ensure the smooth running of the educational process. Within this framework, we will briefly learn about each educational stage as follows:

Primary Education in Turkey

This stage includes years of study from the first primary grade to the sixth grade, and education in it is mandatory for all Turkish citizens to enroll their children in it in order to move on to secondary education later.

Secondary Education in Turkey

This stage includes only 3 years, during which the student must succeed consecutively and not neglect any year, regardless of the reasons. Upon successfully completing the ninth secondary grade, the student obtains a certificate of secondary education qualifying him to enter the secondary education stage.

This stage determines the future of students and determines the fate of each of them. It is the decisive stage in which the student chooses the scientific or literary direction of his study to determine the courses that he must study during these three years. In the third year, the student chooses his university specialization based on his final score.

Higher Education in Turkey

After the student chooses his university specialization, the journey of university education begins, which extends to 6 years in some specialties. Graduation from this stage may be sufficient with obtaining a bachelor's degree, or the student may continue his education under the name of postgraduate studies, which enhances his scientific and academic status and is considered one of the highest scientific degrees ever.

Some of the frequently asked questions about Higher Education in Turkey

We receive hundreds of questions daily regarding university education in Turkey and its many details, which in turn reflects the quality of education in Turkey that is unmatched scientifically by any other country. Therefore, we have compiled for you the most frequently asked questions as follows:

Is a degree from Turkish universities globally recognized?

Considering that most Turkish universities are accredited by the Turkish Ministry of Higher Education and the Turkish Higher Education Council, they are highly valued internationally and recognized in most Arab and European countries. Some universities constantly seek additional accreditation, such as the MÜDEK accreditation for engineering specialties, teaching accreditation in the American system for some medical faculties, and the British Pearson accreditation, which is considered one of the strongest accreditations in foreign languages.

Is studying in Turkey difficult?

Studying in Turkey has countless advantages and benefits. However, there are some difficulties that students may face, especially in their early academic years in the country. Students may struggle with the idea of integrating into an entirely new society and may find it challenging to master the Turkish language. Moreover, procedures for student residence permits and compliance with some strict laws related to students may represent an additional burden that temporarily burdens the student until they adapt and settle into their studies.

Which countries recognize the Turkish diploma?

There are many countries that recognize the Turkish diploma and equate it easily, but admission requirements may vary slightly from one country to another. Generally, countries that recognize this diploma include:

  • Arab countries: Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, and Algeria.
  • European countries: Germany, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, and the Netherlands.
  • Asian countries: Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan.

In conclusion, these were the most prominent pieces of information about the quality of education in Turkey, its university rankings, and its advantages. If you have any further inquiries regarding the details of life in all its aspects in Turkey, do not hesitate to contact Skyline Holdings to answer all your questions by a specialized and expert team in all professional, educational, real estate, social, and other matters clearly and reliably.